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You are invited to a week of remembrance of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is sure to be a beautiful time of inward reflection and celebration as we pause to remember His last supper (Maundy Thursday), his death on the cross (Good Friday), and finally, His glorious resurrection (Easter Sunday)!
All services will take place in the Sanctuary. A nursery is available for all services for babies through Pre-K students. Children's Worship is available for Elementary aged children on Palm Sunday and Good Friday. 
March 24
, 9:00am (Contemporary Worship),
11:00am (Traditional Worship)

Join us for worship! Palm Sunday is the first day of Holy Week, leading to Easter, and the day of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Hosanna to the King!
March 28, 6:00pm
Maundy Thursday commemorates the last supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles. During this last supper, Jesus took bread and wine and shared them with his disciples. Following this meal Jesus was betrayed by Judas in the Garden of Gethsemane. Come and share in a time of remembrance and holy communion. Following this time of remembrance you are invited to a time of prayer and foot washing in the garden. 
March 29, 6:00pm

During this Tenebrae (meaning "darkness") service, we remember the sacrifice Christ made on the cross. It is a time of reflection on the brutality that He suffered because of God's love for mankind, bearing our sins once and for all so that we may live in His light and have eternal life. 
March 31, 9:00am (Contemporary), 11:00am (Traditional)
He is risen! Join us for a joyful celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ! 
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